Housing Finance
Abovo-Consult is an independent company providing business planning advice and sophisticated business plan modelling tools primarily to housing associations, local authorities with housing revenue accounts and local housing and development companies.
"I cannot praise the products enough, nor the consultants. From a finance angle it gives me what I need in order to understand and clearly see whether what is being discussed from a development angle makes sense, delivers a return - and ultimately that the housing group is a profitable and sustainable entity.”
David Watt, Strategic Finance Manager, Oxford City Housing Ltd
The Industry Standard
The Abovo Business Plan Model is the cornerstone of the set of fully integrated business planning tools that has been used by many housing associations across the UK for almost 20 years.
Popular and well known by funding organisations, it is originally known from its roots in stock transfer associations, but is now used by organisations across the sector.
The Abovo Business Plan maintains its heritage, but has been fully redeveloped to meet the regulatory and reporting challenges facing the social housing sector today.
About Us
Find out who we are and how we got here
How we got here
Formed in 2015 by housing finance specialists who have worked together as a team for 16 years.
Our team comprises three partners who have worked together for over eighteen years, together with our trusted associates who have also worked with us for many years.
Consistency, care and quality are embedded in our company.
Our core experience and services
The Abovo suite of business planning tools · Business planning and related financial modelling and advice · Bespoke financial modelling · HousingBrixx support · Housing Revenue Account (HRA) business planning · Development and regeneration appraisal and delivery structuring · Merger and acquisition due diligence · Finance function transformation and business improvement · Strategic options appraisal · Stock rationalisation · Stock transfer valuation and implementation as lead advisers · Interim finance director support
Martyn Watkins
Widely acknowledged as one of the most experienced housing consultants in the country, Martyn moved from a local government and City background into management consultancy in 1988 and has completed some 40 stock transfers in a lead adviser role.
Angie Marshall-Smith
Angie is a founder partner and director of Abovo-Consult, providing consultancy and supporting the use of the two major housing business planning tools, including our local authority clients with HRA BP planning using our Fortress BP model for local authorities.
Alex Young
Abovo's technical director, Alex has a first-class degree in mathematics and leads development of Abovo's modelling tools. Alex is a founding director, providing business plan and development support to over 50 of the largest housing associations in the UK.
Our Associates
Alan Lewis
Alan provides Abovo and our clients with extensive support on our system and is a rent-modelling specialist.
Jon Wortley
Jon is a development expert who helps Abovo with interface and modelling development.
Martyn Durant
Martyn has a strong background in Social Housing and EFQM Business Excellence. He has worked for over 30 years with a large housing association and also carries out Repairs and Maintenance Reviews.
Nigel Johnston
Nigel works with the Northern Housing consortium and carries out repairs and maintenance reviews as well as other Landlord and Housing Management Services.
Abdul Ravat
Abdul has 30 years' experience in Housing and Regeneration and provides performance and risk-management support for Boards.
Steve Fox
Steve is formally a Senior Registration Officer with the Social Housing Regulator. He now provides Governance and Registered Provider application support.
Get in touch
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Registered Office and General Enquiries
Elmwood House
70, Cadman Road. Bridlington
E. Yorkshire YO16 6YX
Suppliers and customers:
Sales and admin:
Angie Marshall-Smith
Martyn Watkins
Alex Young
Our models
Sophisticated business planning tools and consultancy support for Housing Associations, Local Authorities and charitable organisations.
The Abovo HA Business Plan
Our team of specialist financial modellers continue to develop and maintain the social housing industry-standard Excel-based Abovo business plan model.
The business plan model is the cornerstone of the set of fully integrated business planning tools that has been used by many housing associations across the UK for almost 20 years.
Popular and well known by funding organisations, it is originally known from its roots in stock transfer associations, but is now used by organisations across the sector. The Abovo Business Plan maintains its heritage, but has been fully redeveloped to meet the regulatory and reporting challenges facing the social housing sector today.
Feature List
Excel-based - non-software reliant • Clear audit trail of input to output workings • Auto-population of FFR with interface to NROSH+ with pre-submission validation reporting • Accepted by Welsh Government - FFR for Welsh Regulator • 40 year accounts and cashflow projections • Multi-variable, multi-scenario stress testing dashboard and charts - enhanced to include multi-period options • Snap shot recording of scenario test outputs • Caters for group structures with consolidated model option • Stress testing at consolidated level as well as subsidiary level • Funding dashboard - produce graphs and charts for funders • Value for Money Metrics - measures from the BP • Accepts multiple revolver funding plus an overdraft option • Calculates interest and funding payments to the day • Inter-company funding options - loans & investments • Joint Venture transaction recording • Scenario test changes of tenure type easily • Model short-term contractual income for care & support • Accepted by funders and treasury advisers • Integrates directly with sub-models to avoid replication errors • Version history tracker - monitor changes in key outputs • Development import - import in progress development from client worksheets. • Live stress testing scenarios with separate mitigation table - shows the stress and the solution • The New Shared Ownership Model - assumptions to allow planning under this scheme • A choice to apply CPI or RPI to most economic assumptions • Pension deficit payments included in SOCI • See intercompany loans and investments separately • Corporation Tax - allowing variable rates and bands for future • Improved speed and size of the file.
Abovo Fortress LA Business Plan
Fortress - the forecasting and stress-testing HRA Business Plan provides local authorities with robust and compliant business plan results and the ability to overlay scenarios and test sensitivity to change
Our business plan model is the cornerstone of the set of fully integrated business planning tools that has been used by many housing associations across the UK for almost 20 years. We now bring the functionality and features of this model to local authorities with Housing Revenue Accounts.
Feature List
Extensive ability to input data at granular level. • Designed using the easy and flexibility of our HA business plan models but encompassing local authority housing finance rules • Integrates with Development Appraisal and Rent Model tools for quick upload without duplication error • Increased budget flexibility with annual profiling of income and expenditure • Direct retained RTB receipts to specific schemes • Incorporating our unique dashboard multi-variable, multi-scenario stress-testing functionality • User defined or standard target measures • User friendly output reporting - including HRA statement multi-year forecasts • Produced in conjunction with LA clients • Manages borrowing freedoms without debt cap limits • HRA business plan support available from experienced advisers • Design and build service for BP planning • Training provided
Abovo Evolve DSA
Building on the success of our Multi-Variate Stress-Testing Abovo Business Plan Model for housing organisations, we are proud to present the latest upgrade in our suite of business planning tools - Evolve DSA model.
Evolve DSA is a development scheme appraisal tool designed to be used either:
as a stand-alone model incorporating our highly-regarded "live" stress-testing facility with dashboard output; or
in conjunction with our industry-standard business plan to automatically integrate assumptions, cashflows and accounting reports
Can also be used to upload appraisals to project management systems.
We also have options for dual output facilities for Joint Venture sales and HA partner rentals saving time duplicating appraisals.
Feature List
Used by HA's, local authorities and LA development companies • Excel-based - non-software reliant • Unrestricted use within an organisation • Bespoke scheme performance indicator reporting in dashboard format • Live multi-variable, multi-scenario stress testing facilities • Multi-tenure appraisals • NPV, IRR and Loan Repayment results by unit type and tenure for better unit performance measurement • Scheme cashflows by tenure type and unit type • Auto upload to Abovo Business Plan to avoid replication errors • Input scheme data in high level or with detailed profiling • Fully accounts for the Welsh Blended Grant • Track changes through version history and output recording • Actual cost variation record • Provides 40 year accounts and cashflow forecasts - first 7 years with monthly reporting • Password protect key assumptions approved for appraisal • Clear audit trail of inputs to outputs - includes switch to finance mode with additional detailed workings sheets • Bespoke funding version available for local authority PWLB funded organisations • Commercial output version available • New Shared Ownership Model capability • New - improved tenure switching, more Key Dates for triggering activity, greater flexibility on sales unit assumptions
Abovo Rent Model
Abovo-Consult has been modelling social housing rents from Rent Restructuring guidance for many years. For most housing associations formula rent targets will have been achieved, for many local authorities there is still a gap which can be eliminated on re-let.
With greater emphasis on maximising rental income from a range of tenure types, the Abovo Rent Model has been refreshed and updated to allow full analysis and rent planning across all property types. Still providing that integrated update for both the Abovo BP Model for HA's and Fortress HRA BP for Councils, it also provides populated templates for LADR returns.
Select sub-sets of properties to analyse rents and provide reports and forecasting over 30 years.
Feature List
Traditional social rent restructuring with formula and target rent calculations • Test the use of flexibility for GN and supported housing • Multiple other tenure rent setting and reporting • 30 year forecast of actual and target rents per property • Analysis of results across separate tenure types • Analysis of rent for selected data sets • Average rent results reported plus variances around tolerance • Produces user specified summary inputs for Abovo Business Plan • Direct upload to Abovo Business Plan to avoid error and duplication • Bespoke client analysis types can be accommodated • Excel based • No additional licence required • Abovo support to populate and maintain model • Provides output report for NROSH+ for local authority LADR from 2020 onwards • Welsh rent design available
The final deadline for the transition from LIBOR to SONIA was 31 December 2021, the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority encouraged everyone to start the transition sooner rather than later. All variable rate loans will be affected.
SONIA is published by the Bank of England every day but daily-compounding-in-arrears is tricky without a special calculator.
Abovo-Consult and 2TIX Ltd have, together, developed a unique Compounded SONIA Portfolio Calculator to help you manage the transition. We have launched a Beta version of the Portfolio Calculator and a demo version of a simple single loan transaction. Both versions will accurately calculate Compounded SONIA interest payable for a single loan; the fully versatile stand-alone version allows the user to calculate multiple loans at the same time and offers much more control over the input variables.
The Compounded SONIA Portfolio Calculator will accurately work out accrued interest, even when an accounting period ends on a weekend or a bank holiday.
Feature List
The Compounded SONIA Portfolio Calculator is designed to help you manage the transition from LIBOR to SONIA. It incorporates maximum flexibility and allows you to do the following:
Check SONIA interest payable before it is due to be paid • Accurately calculate accrued interest taking into account weekends and bank holidays • Switch between London Banking Days (for loan interest) and accrual accounting • Calculate multiple loans at the same time and print the results • Save multiple versions, either individually or as a group • It includes all historic and current SONIA data • You can update the SONIA interest rate data manually or automatically • Link, copy and paste the results into other documents / spreadsheets; • Allow for multiple Lag Dates, Margins, Interest Periods, and adjustment spread • Calculate any duration interest period • Check historic SONIA accounting periods and historic SONIA interest periods and • Compatible with the proposed Bank of England Compounded Sonia Index
The Beta version of the Compounded SONIA Portfolio Calculator is available FREE to existing clients of Abovo-consult and 2TIX Ltd on a non distributable basis.
Non-clients can purchase a copy for a one-off payment.
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