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Housing Finance

Abovo-Consult is an independent company providing business planning advice and sophisticated business plan modelling tools primarily to housing associations, local authorities with housing revenue accounts and local housing and development companies.

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"I cannot praise the products enough, nor the consultants. From a finance angle it gives me what I need in order to understand and clearly see whether what is being discussed from a development angle makes sense, delivers a return - and ultimately that the housing group is a profitable and sustainable entity.”


David Watt, Strategic Finance Manager, Oxford City Housing Ltd

The Industry Standard

The Abovo Business Plan Model is the cornerstone of the set of fully integrated business planning tools that has been used by many housing associations across the UK for almost 20 years.


Popular and well known by funding organisations, it is originally known from its roots in stock transfer associations, but is now used by organisations across the sector.


The Abovo Business Plan maintains its heritage, but has been fully redeveloped to meet the regulatory and reporting challenges facing the social housing sector today.